Some Facts and Figures about The Akash (Sky), medium-range, theatre defence, surface-to-air missile.
Designed around a plug-and-fight architecture, the Akash ground and flight elements can be configured for specific user requirements.
Akash’s proven kill capabilities are a result of state-of-the-art technologies. With repeatedly successful trails, India joined a select club of nations possessing similar capabilities, however with a distinct advantage in costs.
The Akash is a highly dependable, indeginously produced weapon system, capable of fighting mobile and fast paced operations.
Support Vehicles and Akash Pictures
The Battery Surveillance Radar (BSR) is a track vehicle based, long range sensor, interfaced with the BCC. It can detect and track upto 40 targets in range and azimuth.
The Battery Level Radar (BLR) is a phased array, multi-function sensor interfaced with the BCC. It acquires and tracks upto 20 targets in range, azimuth and height. Slewable and mobile, the BLR also tracks and guides upto eight missiles simultaneously towards the targets assigned by the BCC.
The Akash Air Force Launcher (AAFL) is configured on a trailer based mobile vehicle, which can deploy in three ways; the vehicle mode, the trailer mode and the stand-alone mode. It carries three ready to fire missiles and is capable of remote operation. 360 degree slewable, in elevation it can fire from 8 to 75 degrees in all directions depending on the mode of deployment.
The launch platforms are microprocessor driven and controlled through an electro-mechanical servo system. They have there own inbuilt gas turbine engine (GTE) driven power sources.
1 comment:
I don't know what to say... but these guys need to stop posting this stupid Spyware link
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